There's a big gap in the veggie garden where my zucchini was last week. Yep, I discovered what horrible little beasts the squash vine borers are. RIP dear zucchini. Such a promising start, but eggplant and tomatoes are going to have to take up the slack.

Watermelon vine is making a break for the front sidewalk.

Various trumpets

Texas sage (cenizo) is blooming everywhere in Austin, but this one a few houses down is amazing!

First gumdrop, volunteer cherry, and yellow pear tomatoes got tasted this week.

The cherry tomato wins on flavor so far! Here are a few more waiting to be picked.

The sprawling volunteer plant measures almost six feet across. Very glamorous!

First lemon cucumber, with some wicked looking black spikes. About egg-sized at the moment.

Volunteer carrots...really?!

The cosmos, zinnias, and sunflowers from seed just keep growing.

First buds are starting to show on the zinnias (I'm guessing the spots are sun scald)

Martha Gonzales isn't that big, but she's got blooms and new growth!

Bougainvillea just starting to show color

Late larkspur and a cosmos looking lovely in my sister's garden.