This flat leaf parsley planted itself here with a will and was almost four feet across...and going to seed. Here's the same bed after, with a ruby okra in the new spot. These little guys will probably miss the parsley, although the swallowtail caterpillar is technically on the pyracantha nearby.
From the top: preparing beets to be roasted; the roughly square foot garden w/basil, strawberries, onions, salad mix, and beets; bush bean emerging; the catch-all bed w/onions, cucumbers, mint, lemon balm, fennel, and parsley; italian and curly parsley; the last of the broccoli
Lots of blooms in the front yard this time. It seems like every day brings a whole new batch of color, with the gentle pink of evening primrose and the dark red of autumn sage most prominent. First coreopsis of the year unfolding yesterday Moss verbena comes back every spring Need to get this gazania planted today! The backyard's got some good blooms, too, and smells amazing (honeysuckle & jasmine NOT the pyracantha below) Shallot buds Eve's necklace Last of the freesia This potted succulent is a survivor: drought, freezes, you name it Okay, it's foliage (canna tropicana), but it's showier than most blooms Addendum: the rain brought on a sage bloom this afternoon.
tomatoes, pepper, basil, and lemongrass plants for the garden parsley, fennel, lemon balm, and onions in the bigger bed spiderwort behind the veggie bed transitioning the square foot bed from winter to summer veggies: shallot, freesia, and lacinato kale salad mix, strawberries, onions, and beets eve's necklace tree in bloom honeysuckle is back and bigger than ever
It's so peak wildflower time! I could drive around central Texas highways all day looking at the clouds of blue, red, yellow, pink, purple... These are just a few of the blooms from yesterday's walk.
And I like the way the post-Easter litter looks a little like wildflowers.