So, in my last post I was very excited to break into this sugar baby watermelon, first from the veggie patch (or
ever from my yard). It was in the appropriate 6-8 inches across range. The skin had gone from pale green with dark green stripes to an all-over dark green. There was a pale yellow spot where it rested on the ground. It made a nice thumping sound and was very heavy for its size.

Imagine the disappointment at finding this (right).

Smelled like a watermelon but absolutely no sweetness. Or color. I went ahead and picked the little guy on the above left because it was sitting right next to the front sidewalk, in plain sight of birds, squirrels, and people walking their dogs. There are other melons on the vine that have a better chance of making it to ripeness without being picked on.

Cut it open and same deal. Guess I'll just try leaving the other ones on the vine a few days longer...sigh.
oh, I'm sad for you. I know the anticipation that comes with gardening vegetables. I, too, have my first ever watermelon. It's a wee thing yet, not at all ready to be picked.
I remind myself that this is the first year, aka the experimental year, in the full sun veggie patch. It's less sad if I just think of it all as a learning experience. Good luck with your watermelon!
Hell, at least you got to pick your water melons. Last year when I grew them, 3 of the 4 went to the varmits,
Yeah, there's surprisingly little animal/bird attention on the melons, despite the fact that every third tomato (the plant right next to the watermelon) gets half stolen. Maybe the varmints just know the melons aren't ready yet...
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