I was moving the bird bath the other day and turned around to see a lesser goldfinch less than six feet away, nibbling on the rainbow chard. I had no idea that some birds eat greens! He was there and gone before I could grab a camera, so I grabbed the paintbrush instead.

Trying out cardinal vine on the trellis outside my shower window.

First time this tillandsia in my studio has bloomed. Not very showy, but it reminds me of a tiny closed parasol.

Most of the wildflowers at Walnut Creek are looking pretty shaggy up close, but from a distance, the huge drifts of horsemint are gorgeous.

Couldn't find this caterpillar in my butterfly ID guide, but it was a lovely tawny gold.

And I couldn't resist lining up the tomato varieties in rainbow order: black plum, gumdrop, cherry, yellow pear.

nice painting!
I'm glad you grabbed the paintbrush. I love those birds.
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