The zinnias in the veggie garden are a larger size, 3-4 inches across. You can see an eggplant bloom and fruit in the background.

My sister's larkspur and wildflower patch in the back is looking all shades of lovely.

The volunteer sunflowers formed this natural arch a couple of weeks ago, and I've seen goldfinches feeding from it twice this week. Pretty cool.

Mexican heather is looking healthy and happy in the front yard.

Black Knight butterfly bush

Beach vitex

Firecracker fern

Gaura is tall and covered in blooms, but it's a little tough to photograph with its mass of thin stems.

Gaura against a backdrop of artemesia

Gregg's Mist (left) has been blooming steadily since April, and the firebush is covered in flame colored flowers.

Delicate yellow flowers of the watermelon vine

Not so delicate growth of the watermelon vine. There's a grapefruit-sized watermelon hiding in the blackie sweet potato vine...which might actually be a good thing, keeping it away from greedy birds and squirrels.

Trumpet vine


Mexican petunias

Celosia, potted where the purple kale used to be

And the fruit of the blooms...

And check out other gardens today at May Dreams Gardens.