Flame acanthus is enjoying another round of color after I cut it back a little last month

These wooly caterpillars are really into the indigo spires salvia

Copper canyon daisy

End of the Mexican bush sage

Diamond frost euphorbia

The butterfly weed is back after being stripped of every leaf by caterpillars in August

Gregg's mist flower with sweet potato vine

Coral nymph salvia (I thought the lemongrass next to it was dead from a freeze when I planted this guy in spring, but it snuck back in over the summer...definitely not complaining since I do love to make to make thai soup with lemongrass when it's chilly)

Firespike (some of the foliage has gotten a little wilty from the low 40's nights)

Rock rose

Still so excited about my pink turk's cap! Although it picked a strange time to start blooming.

Golden thryallis

Okay, these aren't blooms, but don't these pyracantha berries look amazingly colorful? Saw a mockingbird making off with one this afternoon.
For more gardens around the world today, visit May Dreams Gardens, where Carol hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.