Monday, October 18, 2010

Late bloom day

So, I missed Garden Blogger Bloom Day this time, due to my adorable nephew's birth and lots of family time. But I still think it's fun to keep track of what's blooming each month.
The fall asters are doing their (short-lived) thing right now. And looking pretty good against the artemesia, if you ignore the bermuda grass peeking through.
The indigo spires salvia (more than 7 years old) is looking pretty haggard, but is still covered in blooms and bees. The grasses are looking great right now.
The mistflower is covered in buds, and the sweet potato vine is a nice contrast.
The Mexican sunflowers are covered in blooms.
Pineapple sage just started blooming yesterday.
I don't know what is up with all the mutants this year. My mountain laurel has several mutant buds, and now this firespike has one, too.
Only got a few zinnias to come up from seed, and the plants are looking leggy and unattractive. But I do love the flowers.
These freesia bulbs were the best purchase I ever made at Lowe's. Assuming they make it through the winter, this spring will be their 6th bloom season. And they are among the lowest maintenance plants in my yard.


Emily said...

hehe, i love botanical mutants. lovely flowers! your garden still looks like summer.

Amy Farrier said...

Thanks, Emily! Yeah, the garden's just starting to go autumnal, but it feels like summer most afternoons still.