Firebush has been a huge bee attractor

Gaura floating above the artemesia

Gregg's Mistflower

Front garden tumbling over the straight edges, as usual

Candy stripe cosmos (the only cosmos seeds that grew in the curb strip)

Mystery volunteer...might be my favorite volunteer ever

Globe mallow, blackfoot daisy and bronze fennel blooms

Globe mallow and blackfoot are curb strip champions! (Sadly, so is the spurge in the bottom right...trying to get a handle on it)

Backyard: Thryallis, bronze fennel, zinnias, fireworks gomphrena and lemongrass

Fireworks gomphrena

Bluebeard has started blooming again (anticipating fall, perhaps?)

Orange shrimp plant shaded by the unstoppable angel's trumpet

Kidneywood with a trumpet vine background

Black and yellow garden spider (apparently the zigzag is made by the female when a male is nearby)