Friday, February 3, 2012

Red robins, red robins

IMG_4031 IMG_3992 IMG_3985 IMG_4007 IMG_3966 IMG_3963 For a couple of hours around lunchtime today, several flocks of birds flew into the neighborhood to feed. My cherry laurel had been mostly decorative until dozens of robins and a handful of pushy starlings made it into a whirling dervish of activity. And the possumhaw is pretty picked over this afternoon, with just a few berries left after everyone had their share. A group of cedar waxwings (second photo from the bottom) watched from a tree across the street but didn't venture into the fray. Really an amazing sight to see! Guess it's migration time already.

1 comment:

ConsciousGardener said...

Two of my favorite birds! We haven't had the cedar wax wings yet this year...but I keep checking the Elm...