Finally: a rainy morning! I could be wrong, but this feels like the driest spring we've had in a while. Of course, officially spring is just a week old, but we've already had several days in the 80's with full sun. And I'm just happy to have a light rain this morning and coolish temps. If we get a thunderstorm this afternoon, even better.

Above: artemesia, mountain laurel, kale, Texas sage, standing cypress, honeysuckle (first of the season), and Tropicana canna.
Below: not quite as jewel-like, but definitely benefiting from the rain, a newly potted bougainvillea, bed on the north side of the house with everspreading inland sea oats, sea oat seedlings in the patio and spent blooms from the neighbor's honey locust tree, one of the freesia blooms has fallen into the gregg's blue mist, more freesia (the scent of the damp blossoms is pretty amazing), and a soon-to-bloom butterfly weed.