Finally, some sun! And the bees are going crazy on one of the few things blooming right now. And below: sweet pea vines. I've never succeeded with these, but maybe this is the year.
Not too much blooming on this rainy, winter day: trailing lantana, butterfly weed, geraniums, bok choy, and christmas cactus with a second round of buds (the second one is part of the cactus that dropped off the main plant in December and got replanted); not flowering, a donkey ear kalanchoe collects rain on the back steps (it's been in and out of the house every night the weather dipped into the 30's).
We had some beautiful leaf color this November, and I discovered an amazing sculpted metal tree on the East Austin Studio Tour. The new vegetable plots out front produced a batch of radishes (delicious on toast with goat cheese), and soon I'll harvest spinach, chard, and broccoli. On Christmas Eve afternoon, my mother and I went on a three hour tour, I mean hike, in the pineywoods of Bastrop. We thought we were going on a little loop, but it turned out to be 5 miles long one-way, 10 miles total without any water or snacks (but perfect hiking weather!). Long hikes have now made my resolution list for 2011. Happy New Year everyone!!
The highlights of the long, hot summer: a garden design project in the front yard and a road trip from LA to San Francisco (incl. a hiking trip near Monterey and stops at the LA zoo and SF park garden). California:
Sometimes it's nice to look back at all that's bloomed over the year. These are some of my favorite images from my garden and hikes around Austin (the wildflowers were so amazing this year).