Days of irises and roses this Garden Bloggers Bloom Day (hosted by
May Dreams Gardens). A day late to the party, but here's what was blooming in my garden yesterday.

Moved these iris from the driveway area a couple of falls ago, and finally a bloom!

Mutabilis rose is covered in peach, pink and dusty rose blooms

Gotta love Martha Gonzales rose this time of year

This shade of iris has been blooming for at least a couple of weeks (preceded by the deep burgundy ones)

First passion flower bloom of the year opened up on GBBD!

Bee enjoying bolted cilantro

Top heavy iris blooms hiding among the Gregg's Mist

And bluebonnets going to seed en masse. These are all volunteers from a single bluebonnet that showed up in my front yard last spring.

California poppies in such happy shades of orange and neon yellow

The unstoppable show that is globe mallow

Poppies and massive globe mallow in context

White Mexican poppy

Future blooming excitement (aka artichokes)

Somebody's been eating the last burgundy iris, but they put on an excellent show this year. Definitely doing some dividing and transplanting this fall.
Happy late bloom day! And check out
May Dreams Gardens for more gardens around the world.