Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: February 2012

Happy February Bloom Day! My garden's feeling pretty scrappy right now, but there are actually a few surprises blooming around the yard. And since this is my first winter in the house, I'm still discovering what is planted here. Don't forget to check out what's blooming around the world today at May Dreams Gardens! IMG_4105 I'll start it off with a bouquet I arranged for a house party this weekend; it turned out much more wildscape than I envisioned at the grocery store, but it's grown on me. IMG_4085 IMG_4099 IMG_4096 IMG_4100 IMG_4093 In the ground: some sort of rose, clover, coral bean, nandina, and a lone, seasonally confused cosmos. IMG_4075 IMG_4079 IMG_4083 IMG_4078 In pots: Donkey ear's blooms, cyclamen, and geranium have been blooming for months; autumn sage in front of the veggie garden, and a leggy kolanchoe

Friday, February 3, 2012

Red robins, red robins

IMG_4031 IMG_3992 IMG_3985 IMG_4007 IMG_3966 IMG_3963 For a couple of hours around lunchtime today, several flocks of birds flew into the neighborhood to feed. My cherry laurel had been mostly decorative until dozens of robins and a handful of pushy starlings made it into a whirling dervish of activity. And the possumhaw is pretty picked over this afternoon, with just a few berries left after everyone had their share. A group of cedar waxwings (second photo from the bottom) watched from a tree across the street but didn't venture into the fray. Really an amazing sight to see! Guess it's migration time already.