Some blooms from the front garden this past month:

Amazingly, the angel's trumpet bud above still bloomed, after I relocated the caterpillar to another plant. The standing cypress (top two photos) are so self-sufficient and full of fireworks, I can't help but be a fan.
Big news and one of the reasons I haven't been blogging: my house goes on the market next week. I've been working for a while on getting it looking its best , which would be much more pleasant if it weren't so hot and humid outside! It's funny how all these little things you put off doing add up, but once you do them you wonder why you didn't do and enjoy them earlier. Like washing all the windows inside and out or changing out a broken hammock swing. Or pressure washing the deck, which is actually a huge job, and I am lucky enough to have a dad with a pressure washer and a great work ethic. And a sister who doesn't mind taking a turn vacuuming up cottonwood fluff. Actually, we had a really lovely work weekend Memorial Day weekend, with most of my family here (thank you!); we all took on projects and took turns playing with my adorable nephew (8 months old tomorrow). And all agreed that we should do something similar at my parents' house next time.
The deck before (cottonwood, you monster! you look so beautiful now, but I know what you can do, especially once a little rain sticks the cotton fibers to whatever surface they touch):

And after (even the cedar cabana looks better with a little wash):

I'm trying not to think about saying good-bye to my first garden of my own, and instead to focus on the next wonderful garden adventure (post about that soon). And to keep plants and lawn looking their best in very hot weather with extreme drought conditions...a challenge. I do a lot of dragging around a hose with a soaker attachment on very low pressure, which is a bit tedious. Next garden is definitely getting a drip irrigation system.