Happy GBBD! Here are some things blooming around my yard. For more garden photos around the world, visit
May Dreams Gardens.

In pots: geraniums, bougainvillea, and dianthus with coleus.

The showy primroses are still putting on quite a...show, with larkspur joining in for contrast.

Cut leaf chaste tree is just starting to put out new buds.

Autumn sage, coreopsis, and indigo spires salvia are ever-dependable.

I've only got the one California poppy blooming, but it makes me happy to see every day.

Last of the freesia, butterfly weed, and coral nymph salvia.

This shrub volunteered in front of my rain barrel, conveniently screening it, so I never got around to pulling it out. No blooms but this year it's produced berries of some sort.