First, the blooms:

The mountain laurels in the front yard are in full swing.

The color on the autumn sage is great, but it needs to be pruned back.

The lantana's also in need of a drastic pruning, but the edges are starting to bloom.

Rosemary's got the same flowers it's had the past few months

Just moved the potted kolanchoe outside last week


The remaining broccoli plants all have flowers...end of an era

First strawberry flower of this year

Pear blossom petals among the lettuce

Pear tree overhang from the neighbor's yard

Random tree or shrub in the fence line
And now the buds:

Soon to be evening primrose

Shallot buds

One of the few freesia plants to survive the freezes (the bulbs are 5 years old)

The dreaded sticky leaf buds of the cottonwood, soon to be brought in the house by shoes and kitty paws.
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