Sunday, June 9, 2013

This Week in the Garden

The front walk is looking very blonde these days with all the Mexican feathergrass and pale yellow firecracker fern. IMG_6268 My cat, on the other hand, is not looking blonde at all IMG_3041 End of the artichoke days IMG_6262 I read here that you can cut the plant back to the ground in June and it will put out new stalks in the fall. So cool, especially as I was thinking of it as an annual! I've put some burgundy okra seeds at the base of the plant, and hopefully they'll fill in the spot while it's dormant. IMG_6265 On the more vibrant side, golden thryallis and coral bean are kicking into gear against the front of the house. IMG_6259 Cigar plant is looking its best along the side of the house. And while the copper canyon behind it has finished blooming, the foliage makes a lovely backdrop. IMG_6273 Trimmed up the possumhaw this week. And while I was at it, I noticed some nice, soft (sedge?) grass clumps along the drip irrigation line (hoping they'll multiply). Still brainstorming landscape ideas for this side yard. IMG_6278 Only one more fennel bulb left (last one harvested was sauteed with butter and white wine and mussels), and that one's just for seed. IMG_3044 The neighboring plants are appreciating the space the fennel harvesting freed up. The other plants on Friday: red okra, a couple of basils, shallots, japanese eggplant...and a Cherokee purple tomato, with two full-size green tomatoes on it. You can see one resting on the stone border. Protected by bird netting. IMG_6271 Which does absolutely nothing to stop a determined squirrel. I've learned my lesson: only cherry tomatoes from now on. IMG_3042 Next to the veggie bed in the decomposed granite is a volunteer watermelon...guess that's the silver lining in having raccoons or squirrels break into a couple last summer. IMG_3045 Volunteer angel's trumpet has taken over this bed, and I'm slowly cutting it back...which is hard because the blooms are gorgeous. Gotta give the lemongrass, mint and shrimp plant I planted last fall a chance, though. IMG_2999 The same bed from the other direction: loving the bronze fennel, but I wish I had planted it behind the shorter Blue Beard Caryopteris right behind it...again, I was thinking it was an annual. IMG_6282 Surprise! Some non-orange cosmos came up from seed I threw out last year. IMG_6294 Another surprise! Some daylilies survived the renovation on the garage apartment two summers ago. IMG_3008 So much happening in the garden these days before full summer...enjoying everything but the mosquitos.


Jean Campbell said...

Your cat must be more refined than mine. Ike ripped the heart out of a squirrel the other day.

Amy Farrier said...

My kitty's sassy but she only catches the occasional bug, no birds or critters yet. Same with my squirrel feels threatened by my pack. So my tomatoes remain unprotected ;)