Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: April 2013

So, I'm a day late for Bloom Day, but there's lots of color in the garden right now. To start off, gaura against a backdrop of Mexican feathergrass. IMG_6172 Mutabilis rose IMG_2590 Getting to know what kind of irises I have planted around the house, which is very exciting. Now I have to remember to mark them, so I know what I'm dividing in the fall. IMG_2583 IMG_2584 IMG_6160 Larkspur IMG_6151 Bougainvillea and cosmos are happy to be ignored near where the cars are parked bougainvillea Globe mallow and blackfoot daisy in the curb strip IMG_6176 Missouri primrose, curb strip IMG_2608 Iris under the crepe myrtle IMG_6177 Copper canyon IMG_2610 More deep burgundy iris along the side of the house (my favorite color so far) IMG_6166 To see more of what was blooming yesterday, check out May Dreams Gardens.


Vitamin G: Your Recommended Dose of Garden Shenanigans said...

You do have a lot of color and for some odd reason it made me remember that I want to plant nasturtiums this year. Very nice photos!

Amy Farrier said...

Thanks, and I love nasturtiums! Saw some orange and yellow ones down the street, tumbling over a stone wall.

Dorothy Borders said...

Lovely blossoms. I do love and envy that burgundy iris, because I've never had any luck with growing irises, an allegedly "easy" plant.

Amy Farrier said...

Thanks. This "easy" plant took a couple of years to bloom for me. The ones that were divided and transplanted (with a little bone meal added in the fall) are blooming only a little more than the ones on the side of the house that I didn't touch. So, still learning...