Sunday, June 10, 2012

Scenes from the week

A watermelon! First one I've ever grown, it's the size of a large honeydew or canteloupe (sugar baby variety). Can't wait to test this out tonight...(this is the perfect side, but you can see here that someone already tried to test it).IMG_4844 IMG_4839
I was moving the bird bath the other day and turned around to see a lesser goldfinch less than six feet away, nibbling on the rainbow chard. I had no idea that some birds eat greens! He was there and gone before I could grab a camera, so I grabbed the paintbrush instead. Lesser finch Bee enjoying cosmos in the afternoon sun. IMG_4860 IMG_4866 IMG_4863 IMG_4864
Trying out cardinal vine on the trellis outside my shower window.
First time this tillandsia in my studio has bloomed. Not very showy, but it reminds me of a tiny closed parasol.
Most of the wildflowers at Walnut Creek are looking pretty shaggy up close, but from a distance, the huge drifts of horsemint are gorgeous.
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Couldn't find this caterpillar in my butterfly ID guide, but it was a lovely tawny gold.
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And I couldn't resist lining up the tomato varieties in rainbow order: black plum, gumdrop, cherry, yellow pear.


katina said...

nice painting!

CommonWeeder said...

I'm glad you grabbed the paintbrush. I love those birds.

Amy Farrier said...
