Thursday, March 15, 2012

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: March 2012

Well, we're well into spring here in Austin. In the past week and a half the trumpet vine on the fence went from leafless to jungle-like. And we've had so many rains and misty mornings lately that the trails that were so dry and barren last summer are bursting with wildflowers and soft green grasses. Lots of blues & purples (dayflowers, spiderwort, baby blue eyes, bluebonnets). And the scent of the huisache flowers perfumes my morning walk. Did I mention that I love spring here?
I've got a big landscaping project in the works for next week, and until then, the garden blooms are mostly the ones that just popped up on their own. IMG_4131 IMG_4129 IMG_4130 IMG_4132 IMG_4134
Several of the blooms this month actually come from winter vegetables that are bolting. Recent discovery: not only do Easter egg radishes produce a lovely variety of colored roots, but the accompanying blooms are also in various shades of pale lavender, pink, and white. The dill hasn't quite bloomed yet, but you can see below that it is out-of-control tall. IMG_0948 IMG_4123 IMG_4126 IMG_4127 The potted dependables: IMG_4133 IMG_4153 Happy Bloom Day! And don't forget to check in with all the other blooming gardens at May Dreams Gardens...


Noel Morata said...


i love your potted geranium, wish they sold that variety in my area, they only have boring/basic ones

the garden is looking springy and colorful :)

Dorothy Borders said...

Your garden is looking really good. A little rain makes a big difference, doesn't it? Happy Bloom Day and happy spring!